Reed College

Location of Reed College is Portland, Oregon, United States. It is much known for its mandatory freshman humanities program, creative thinking, and scholarly practice and engaged citizenship. The College is an Independent liberal arts, co-educational and sciences colleges in the country. 
The college was founded in 1908, as well as in 1911 the College held its 1st classes. Reed is named for Amanda Reed (died in 1904) and Oregon pioneers (1830 – 1895). The 1st president was William Trufant Foster, a professor of Bowdoin College and Bates College in Maine and present president is John Kroger. Total Undergraduate students of Reed are 1,374 and Academic staff is 135. Reeds total Tuition and fees are $47,760 as for 2014 to 2015. Among the students, 46 percent of freshmen receive grants from the school averaging $36,557. The average freshman retention rate of Reed, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 94 percent.

Schools and Degrees
The college has been divided into five Divisions and the Humanities program. Generally, the college presents 5 courses of Humanities, 6 dual-degree programs, 12 interdisciplinary majors, 26 department in majors with many other Universities and colleges, and programs for pre-veterinary and pre- medical students.
Division of Arts: It contains the Art, Music, Theatre Departments and Dance
Division of History and Social Sciences: It contains the Sociology Departments, Political Science, Anthropology and History, Economics, and also the international and Comparative Policy Studies Program
Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: it contains the Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry Departments 
Division of Literature and Languages: it contains the Spanish, Russian, German, French, English, Chinese, and Classics Departments, and also the Creative Writing and General Literature Programs 
Division of Psychology, Linguistics, Religion and Philosophy: contents the Psychology, Linguistics, Religion and Philosophy Departments.

Financial Aid programs
The University offers the various types of financial aid programs to the students so that they can easily manage their budget to attend the classes in the Whitman College. The College presents the various discount policies to the deserving students. On April 2014 an Endowment of Whitman College is $543.0 million. Total annual cost of the university is $61,910; in-State Tuition $47,760 and Out-of-State tuition fees are $47,760 (2015-16)

Reed College Online
Reed College also provides the different types of online degrees to the students who are unable to attend the class in the campus buildings. The College offers both graduate and undergraduate degrees online. The other professional certificates can also be studied online in this College. In the program, the students learn from the experienced teachers Reed College online degree programs and courses are designed and developed by the College faculty in association with The Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. 

University Ranking and Alumni
By U.S. News and World Report, Reed is ranked as no.77th, and also as no.15th in its high school counselor ranking. The College declined to take part in the U.S. News and World Report for “best colleges” ranking, making it the 1st educational school in the U.S. to decline to participate in college ranking.